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Member since ‎08-01-2004

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Hi,I was reading about the ip source-route command and that it should only be used with CEF. Quick question, if I use the no ip source-route, will that affect my policy routing that I'm applying with my Route Map????Thanks
Hi,I have a Cisco IDS sensor 4215. Don't know what is the O/S that the previous Admin had on it, and of course don't know the passwords. Found this link for the password recovery:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/secursw/ps2113/products_passwo...
Hi Experts, One quick question. ( I hope this is easy). I would like to be able to load balance internet traffic on a Cisco 2621XM running IOS version 12.2(8)T5. My goal is the following: Send 75% through 1 ISP and 25% to a second ISP. What would be ...
Hi Experts,One quick question. ( I hope this is easy). I would like to be able to load balance internet traffic on a Cisco 2621XM running IOS version 12.2(8)T5. My goal is the following:Send 75% through 1 ISP and 25% to a second ISP.What would be ...
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Member Since ‎08-01-2004 04:10 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 5
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