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Member since ‎11-25-2000

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Hi all,I have a SSL VPN installation wherein the ssl vpn user cannot open two http resources simultaneously (say, webmail and a webpage from a server). I am using 4.1.5 version. Is there such a limitation with SSL vpn or am I making any mistake in my...
Hi All,I have the CW installed in a solaris system, sparingly used and now we want to bring the system to some speed. First area we wanted to fix is the syslog analyser. I have the following problem and would appreciate any help to overcome this.1. I...
Hi,I am trying to get the IDS blocking working. I have enabled blocking and configured the pre-block & post-block acls on the router global configuration. I have configured the sensor with the logical blocking device, blocking router parameters and ...
After trying for many a times I am not able to get this work. I have a IDS 4210 running 3.1 and 4215 running 4.1. The 4.1 sensor works just fine with the IDS MC, but the 3.1 sensor is just not reachable through the IDS MC. I have bootstrapped the Sen...
Trying to establish the Site to Site VPN between PIX & CyberGuard firewall. IPSEC comes up only when the traffic is initiated from the Cyberguard side. 'Show crypto ipsec' shows only outbound SAs from the PIX side after the tunnel comes up. Posting t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-25-2000 03:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 37
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