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Member since ‎02-14-2011

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We have a number of extensions that need to be forwarded to a general number.  The issue is once they are forwarded then if the general number is not picked up they go to Unity, the issue is they are retaining the original extension and once they get...
I think this question has been asked and answered, when trying to setup a notification on a users voicemail the SMTP address cannot be in the Connection Domain, the same domain, as the Unity system.  The recommended solution seems to be to change the...
How many line appearances can MS Lync (Skype for business 2015) client show?  For example my desk phone has 3 lines and my old Cisco IP communicator could copy that setup, can the MS Lync client have more that one line? 
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Member Since ‎02-14-2011 06:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-21-2020 06:55 AM
Posts 4