Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-26-2009

User Statistics

  • 90 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 80 Helpful votes Given
  • 26 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello, I try to import Switch Software images from into Cisco Prime Infrastructure 3.8. CCO account and EULA are authenticated and validated. The job failed with this : Failed to get response CCO The image recommendation is working fine for...
Hello, I have a problem on Prime Infrastructure 3.6 last patch. For some switches, clients appears for others switches clients don't appears. I check that there is connected client on theses switches where client don't show up in Prime and mac-addres...
Hello, We upgraded FMC from 6.2.3 to After this upgrade, we started to create prefilter rule (no one prefilter rule before). Under 'Port' tab, the available port section stays in Loading state. I don't see this behavior under ACP rules. Anyo...
Hello, I'm using a Cisco Prime Infra 3.6 (Patch 2). I have the same problem with two "WS-C2960S-24TS-L" version 12.2(53)SE2 for the first and 15.2(2)E9 for the second one. I am using SNMP v3 (MD5/AES128 and try at first with AES258). But the problem ...
Hello, I'm tryining to use Cisco Support API for PSS. After reading :Devnet getting started :!getting-started-with-cisco-support-apis-for-pssAPI Console User guide :
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-26-2009 09:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:33 AM
Posts 90
Total Helpful Votes Received 26