Syed Iftekhar Ahmed
Level 8
Level 8
Member since ‎07-20-2005

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Some time it happens that you see a question in forums for which you have submitted a detailed answer earlier (for a similar query).Currently there is no search feature available that can limit the search within your posts.Syed
Is there any mechanism in place that detect false/self rating.Syed
As per Cisco DocsMaximum memory supported by restricted license is 64Mb. Does that mean I cannont insall 128Mb module in 515E with restricted license? Or I can install 128Mb module but OS will utilize only 6Mb?ThanksSyed
Hi I am planning to upgrade our 515E to 7.x code. Which is the most stable version available for PIX 515E?Do I need an Activation key after upgrade?ThanksSyed
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Member Since ‎07-20-2005 08:57 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-27-2018 12:07 AM
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