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Member since ‎05-01-2018

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Hi,I configured vlans in Nexus 9k device running NXOS: version 9.3(10)The device is not populating the q bridge mibs, i need the data from the following oidsdot1qPviddot1qVlanCurrentEgressPortsdot1qVlanStaticNamedot1qVlanStaticEgressPortsdot1qVlanSta...
HI,I have switches connected like belowsw1(fa0/0) ----sw2(fa0/1)-- Host1Can i expect the sw2 mac address to be listed in 'show mac address-table' command on sw1 and vice versa.I could see the Host1 mac address in sw2 and sw,1 but sw2 mac address is n...
HI All,'show cdp neighbors' will show the connected devices and its capability.To what kind of devices does the capability code 'H' will be set, is it done only for Cisco VoIP phones or Cisco UCS servers.If the end host is a linux server, will the ta...
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Member Since ‎05-01-2018 11:13 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-21-2023 03:27 AM
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