Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎05-16-2018

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  • 4 Posts
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 Hello Experts, I have a particular, but I think possible request! Our company's current UC System Engineer(s) has to spend over an hour, sometimes 2 hours rebooting our UC Cluster consisting of 10 servers. We typically like to do this every 30-50 da...
 Hello Experts, I have a particular, but I think possible request! Our company's current UC System Engineer(s) has to spend over an hour, sometimes 2 hours rebooting our UC Cluster consisting of 10 servers. We typically like to do this every 30-50 da...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-16-2018 07:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-27-2018 05:57 AM
Posts 4
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