vishaw jasrotia
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Member since ‎07-20-2012

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Dear All, Our 3945e Router lic Type showing None in Sh version command. But in Technology Package it is showing ipbasek9 and asking for reboot. Even after reboot the state is not changing. Earlier the lic was there.Snapshot attached for reference. Th...
Hi All, We are using Anyconnect SSL vpn in our setup. But as the number of session are increasing, it starts dropping at the firewall. When we debugged the asp drops it shows ctm-error. Attaching the log for reference. Check the connection between 18...
Hi,I am facing some VPM(ssl/tls) connection failure issue. I want to debug the memory status of the ASA. Please help me in finding the command to get  crypto free and used memory stats. I am getting the asp drop counter against ctm-error. CTM returne...
Hi,In my setup I am using>capture cap type asp-drop all buffer <> match tcp host x.x.x.x host y.y.y.y eq 443 to find the ASP drops specific to matched IP.But Still capture showing me all asp capture. Please check if this command is ok or I need to ad...
Hi We are facing some anyconnect connection failures in our setup. Need some technical guide where I can get the detils of communication from session build to session terminate between anyconnect client and server. Or any expert pl explain the detail...
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Member Since ‎07-20-2012 02:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 08:25 PM
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Total Helpful Votes Received 17
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