Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎04-12-2005

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  • 224 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 43 Helpful votes Given
  • 274 Helpful votes Received
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Our previous APIC is using LDAP auth for the default and now they are decommissioned and offline. I am trying log in via port-side utility console port in order to wipe out the config. But I am unable to log in, is it still expecting LDAP auth? Thank...
I have 3 decommissioned APIC-M2 controllers, and like to repurpose / format them as standalone test servers at lab instead of just E-Waste them. Has anyone done this? Thanks.Leo
We are using SCP to backup FXOS config and recently upgraded the SCP server from RHEL7 to RHEL9 but managed to retain the same IP address. I got the following error message when doing the SCP back up."Host key has changed for the remote server. Clear...
I am following on this document Cisco APIC M1/M2/M3/L1/L2/M3 to M4/L4 Cluster Migration, Release 5.3(1) - Cisco to replace APIC-M2 with APIC-M4.It suggests that "...When you decommission a Cisco APIC, the APIC loses all fault, event, and audit log hi...
On APIC-M2 where I have 2 phy fabric connections but at the GUI I have seen 4 phy interfaces, can someone help to explain the relationship or mapping between them. I am going to replace the APIC-M2 with APIC-M4 soon and need to move all the phy conne...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-12-2005 12:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-19-2024 10:59 AM
Posts 224
Total Helpful Votes Received 84