By default, TLS and IPSec are the only ones allowed on the Transport side, for example, apart from protocols vEdge needs for ZTP/PnP Connect. Given this, the device is in "lockdown" even after deployment unless a policy on vManage has SSH services pe...
Hey there, buddy.
There's actually no "feature" like CEF in JunOS. When IOS started, it began as a monolithic network operating system. In contrast, Juniper developed JunOS as a modular operating system (I can't really say its micro-kernel, hehe). I ...
Hi Azhar:If you're using an ACTIVE FTP client, ports 20 and 21 will work fine. If your FTP clients use passive ftp, which is generally the case, you'd have to allow ports >1023 for the data session for FTP. Passive FTP works that way. And for ASA to ...