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Member since ‎04-02-2015

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HelloI'm running into a weird inconsistent issue were calls are not always recorded by both recording servers defined in the sip trunk. Either one of them only is recording without the second or both... the funny part is that the second recorder in t...
Hello everybody I had a stack of 4 switches .. and need to split them to have 2 stacks... i wanted to access them using ssh and console cable... both stacks now show "access denied" when i put the passwordIs there any way to access them without reset...
Hello everybody,I have an issue where the captive portale won"t work properly, the problem is that I have control over the WLC only and not adipsys platform I think I did what should be done in the WLC following the official guide provided by adipsys...
Hello,I'm deploying a new WLC which will use a public IP address (behinde a NAT & port forwarding) to register remote APs over the internet... the only ports that will be open are 443 ( for management purpose), 5246 & 5247 for CAPWAP flow... my quest...
Hello, I'm trying to make an AP join a controller over the internet, I think I've done all the setup needed to make this work, here's what I did so far : - booted the AP and defined the public IP address of the WLC in the WLC managers list( NAT is co...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-02-2015 07:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-16-2020 11:41 AM
Posts 62
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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