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Member since ‎02-29-2012

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I got a pair of 5520's running code with 3802i deployed.  I'm not a fan of gold star code that is not a maintenance deployment -- feel like I rarely see those these days. If you are running 8.10.151, are you having any issues? Curious what ...
Does anyone use these Zebra TC51s? Any issues with UNII2 currently?
Are the cluster and service (/20 or /21) networks only usable in the DNAC appliance? Or can they not overlap any IP space in the external network? If so, what is the real reason behind this?
Given the topology attached, is it possible to create a route reflect cluster between the two MPLS routers via different providers? My issue is I need to mesh the BGP between both MPLS routers.
Please don't shoot me, I'm a wireless guy. With the topology diagram attached, I have (2) MPLS service providers that are not sharing BGP. What's the best way to get the MPLS (DMVPN Headend Routers) to share BGP between each other if all routers in t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-29-2012 04:45 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-07-2021 01:28 AM
Posts 69
Total Helpful Votes Received 20