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Member since ‎06-23-2018

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Hello everyone, Topology and config: https://i.imgur.com/XTlMEKk.png My perimeter firewall is having bgp neighborship with Singtel-ISP. Also per-fw is connected to internal routers (CORE-R1 & CORE-R2) and per-fw configured with two default route with...
Hello everyone, I tried lot of troubleshooting and couldn't come up with solution. Both my routers are showing hsrp active for group 10.All interface of both switches are in trunk(encapsulation is dot1q). EDGE-R1 cannot ping EDGE-R2 subinterface ip a...
Hello, I have ASA connected to vPC pairs like below. I have read cisco documentation and found that it supports below design by adding few commands. I have formed ospf neighborship between switches in vPC domain. But my ASA interface connected to vPC...
Hello Team, I have formed vPC over Nexus-9K and there is one arista downstream switch connected to vPC members like below. Port-channel between arista and vpc are in trunk mode and lacp is set to active-active on both (vPC & downstream SW) . I have c...
Hello,I understand that DH is used to generate a symmetric key over a unsecure channel, it is needed to send algorithm over a unsecure channel. Below is my question:R1------Internet------R2 For eg R1 & R2 negotiate on pre-defined key 10.Then R1 gener...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-23-2018 09:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-19-2020 12:00 PM
Posts 33
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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