I'm working in a lab to integrate UCCX with Socialminer 11.6 but the windows of email and chat do not appear, it only says "there are no chat and mail active in a white background". I already upload the tomcat certificate of the Socialminer to the UC...
I integrated my UCCX to Socialminer, both have the version 11.6 and I already enabled the gadgets in the Finesse Administrator. When I log in in Finsse Desktop the tap chat and email appear and I can change it to ready but windows of the email and ch...
When I try to access to the Socialminer trough web page, it does not work, I checked the services of the socialminer and the service indexer remains in STARTING. How can I force to change of state to ACTIVATED?
The CSQ already is configured and assigned to the agent but in the desktop finesse the windows of chat and email does not appear, when I initiated a chat from web site it only arrived in the socialminer and nothing happen in desktop finesse.