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Member since ‎07-28-2014

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Hello, I have an issue, I accept a call on a CTI Route Point, but do not answer the call. I leave the call in Accepted state and after 88 seconds I get a call Disconnected event with reason NoAnswer. Who dropes the call, can this be configured in CUC...
Hello,I'm using Cisco's EpApi for sound stream handling for call management. Everything works ok. I can get the streams, start the streams, sound is coming and going.I have found in the documentation the EpStreamCodecInGet function and implemented th...
Hello,sometimes I get the following message from the EpApi: LIP: (codec 7)    RIP: (codec: 7)    avg. missed packets (per sec.) dst: 0 src: 50    avg. bytes trashed (per packet) dst: 160 src: 159    last dst...
Hello,is the following scenario possible using TAPI & CUCM?-A has a call with B on line 1- A has a call with C on line 2- A somehow mixes the two calls, so that B and C will be together in a call, without A, and without C to be needed to answer anoth...
Hello,I'm trying to generate a ringback tone for a call (the user that made the call should hear this ringing). So when the call receives the Ringback status, I'm callinglineGenerateTone(hCall, LINETONEMODE_RINGBSCK, 0, 0, NULL)The problem is that I ...
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Member Since ‎07-28-2014 02:44 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2018 04:25 AM
Posts 26