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Member since ‎08-10-2015

User Statistics

  • 34 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 5 Helpful votes Given
  • 5 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello I finsised a mogartion of FMC appliance (4000 to 4600), the primary appliance is up and everything looks good on it but the secondary FMC showing model 4000 while it should be 4600, there is a command can be run from shell which can modify the ...
Hello, I am trying to obtain OID's for different switch types (nexus,IOS,XE) to monitor the CRC on specific interfaces on each switch, I tried to use cisco SNMP navigator but it didn't help. can anyone help me how i can find the correct OID to monito...
Hello, I have SNTC v2.7 and prime infrastructure v3.1, is there any way to integrate them so I can run the collection Job and ensure all devices been collected ?  
Hello, I have FP 2110 running FTD image, I should replace the appliance as I received new one, can you please advise me how I can replace the appliance and connect the new FTD, I mean is there any document or shall I first Join the FTD to FMC and how...
Hello,   I have a couple of web server in my network which accessible from outside also from inside, I am trying to force on vlan to access this servers from outside, but whenever the request from this vlan hit the FTD it resolve the egress interface...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-10-2015 10:54 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-15-2023 12:59 AM
Posts 34
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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