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Member since ‎03-28-2008

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Ive been trying to get my new AP521 to work for some time now, but I finally got the idea that it might only work with other Cisco gear.According to the extremely limited documentation there is from Cisco it seems that you can only assign it an IP ad...
Hi, I've setup a AP521 access point, and now it asked for a VLAN number. I'm sort of gren into larger networking, but currently Im the only one in the company responsible for it, so I learn a lot by the hard way each day ;)I dont know what to do with...
I finally got the configuration guide to work and find my AP, but I thought I could change its IP adress from within the configurations assistant? How do I change its IP adress? I also thought I could change it to and from stand alone mode, Im not su...
At the company I work, the guy who usually fix these things are gone for good, and now Im trying to do me best keeping the network running.Today we got our Cisco Access point 521, and there were no documentation with at all, so I dont know where to s...
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Member Since ‎03-28-2008 11:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 8