In order to be able to access Support Services APIs you need to be registered with either of the following services - SNTC or Partner Support Service (PSS). Please follow the instructions here to register with one of these services mentioned and...
Hi Sven,They should be able to help you. There are multiple step that has to happen before you can get access to Support APIs. First step is to set you up with PSS by associating a contract. This step is in pending state. Once it becomes active, then...
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SN2Info API responds based on user access to the contracts. If a CCOId is part of a contract, than SN2Info will have all information about a specific contract and device coverage otherwise s...
Please see the answers to all your questions below :
I'm having a having a hard time with the exact usage of the Services APIs and terminology. Are Services APIs the same as Smart APIs?
Hi Katia,
The reports are available and can be downloaded. Please try it again. If you need me to send you the reports, please let me know,