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Contract data inconsistency between SN2INFO API and CAA

Level 3
Level 3

We're a Cisco PSS partner and MSP.  Currently I'm using the SN2INFO API querying a serial number and getting back contract details (specifically, Get Coverage Summary by Serial Number(s)).


Using the API, with the results I always get "is_covered" YES or NO, and sometimes "service_contract_number" is empty.  The API note says:

Note: If no connection is found between the user, contract, and device, this method displays data only for the following fields; all other fields are visible but display no data:

  • base_pid_list (and associated children)
  • is_covered
  • orderable_pid_list (and associated children)
  • sr_no
  • warranty_end_date

Additionally, using Cisco's Check Device Coverage tool at yields the same result (shows it's covered, but no contract details).


However, when I import the same serial number into Cisco Active Advisor tool at, it shows me contract details like contract # and service line.  Why is that?  What is the criteria for if a "connection is found between the user, contract, and device"?




2 Replies 2

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The basic criteria is that the CCO ID of the requester is linked to the contract the device is associated with. If so, the detailed info is shown; if not, the API simply says whether or not the device is covered.


Feel free to send me a private message with the CCO ID and serial number in question and I can check the entitlement.



Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Thank you for posting your question in the community.


SN2Info API responds based on user access to the contracts. If a CCOId is part of a contract, than SN2Info will have all information about a specific contract and device coverage otherwise specific information are considered sensitive from an API perspective and are removed from the response. Whether or not a device is covered or not is not considered sensitive. 


So the relationship between Device, Contract and user is basically that if a ccoid is part of a contract and devices are covered under that contract, all information will be sent otherwise response will be limited.


I hope this helps,