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Member since ‎08-06-2018

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Good evening, I try to perform the following topology but I cannot resolve the domain name that I configured on my DNS server. But I can ping the IP. DNS:## This is a sample network config uncomment lines to configure the network#  # Static config fo...
Good afternoon, I have some doubts about this procolo, I know it's old, but I would like to satisfy my curiosity.The point is that when I want to avoid summarizing a class A network in RIPv2, it doesn't allow it. Because I always get, but wh...
Good eveningA simple scheme is presented in the following image, but my problem is about network performance. In my local network, I have 40Mbps, and when creating a virtual machine (bridge), without GNS3, I have done a speed test and it is correct, ...
Good evening, a query, in the picture you can see that the R2 has a static route with Therefore, when a machine in the network or is pinging R2, it succeeds, but because this happens if they belong to different ...
Buenos días.  Intento realizar un ping de a, pero no tengo respuesta ( icmp_seq = 93 timeout).Intento realizar un ping de a, pero no tengo respuesta.La PC-2 puede realizar ping a SW2....
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Member Since ‎08-06-2018 12:49 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-14-2019 11:57 PM
Posts 8
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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