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Member since ‎10-16-2008

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Hello'sI would like to request some help in summarizaing and wildcard masks.I have the following subnets that i'd like to summarize and then use the summary address in an Access list. Is this possible?Here are the ranges:
I have an ASA and a load balancer (F5) that i'm trying to configure as follows and experiencing routing issues.A load balancer with 4 ports.Port 1 connected to ISP 1Port 2 connected to ISP 2Port 3 connected to ASA outside interface.Port 4 currently n...
Hello.I'm in the process of replacing PIX with the ASA. I have configured RIP and have it working up to a point. I receive RIP updates from other devices, but unlike the PIX ver 6, the ASA does not send out default route info. Currently the PIX send...
Hello'sI have an ACL question. I'm trying to set up an acl that will restrict 1 computer to accessing ONLY a website such as On doing an nslookup or Whois for I find answers to these IP addresses.
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Member Since ‎10-16-2008 11:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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