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Member since ‎02-20-2007

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HiI have a pair of ACE 4710's running software version A3(2.0).  I intend to upgrade to version A5(1.2).  Can I go straight to version 5 or do I need to go to version 4 and then version 5?Thanks in advance for your help
Hello, I have an internet facing ASA configured with an ACL on the outside interface.  The ACL allows access to my web facing services hosted in several DMZ's.  The ASA is also configured for anyconnect remote access VPN.  My question is do I need to...
Hi, can anyone tell me if I have an ACE configured with SNAT (source Nat) and serverfarm stickiness based on source address will the ACE use the original client IP or the NAT address for stickiness?Thanks in advance for your help
HelloCan some one please explain how I can define which interface to use to send out snmp traps generated on my css. I understand how to set the source IP address in the traps generated by the CSS however I am struggling to get it to send them from ...
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Member Since ‎02-20-2007 02:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-04-2024 01:23 AM
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