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Member since ‎12-28-2018

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  • 37 Posts
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 Hi everybody. I have a doubt about my rich media sessions on my Exp-E, it says 8 rich media sessions, that's my calls number Expe it is going to permit me to call?  I will use jabber for almost 30 users trough MRA and I don't know if I have to buy a...
Hi everyone. I have a dude with my smart license. I do not know why is the (-) or (+) symbol after the number the license I purchased, someone knows whats the meaning? I attached the image
Hi I have a dude with Jabber. The problem is Jabber can work fine in my network enterprise, but with my 4G network it doesnt works, even with other wifi network like my network house. Someone knows if I can configure to works with my 4G network or ot...
Hi everyone! I am Network Admin of a little network. Sometimes my network slow down. We use an ASA5525 Firewall, I am CCENT R&S I am new on security and firewalls, do you know if the firewall have some tool to monitor my web or I can use solarwinds o...
Hi Everyone!  Last week we have problem with our ASA5525, we could not have internet connection, so we decided to restart it. It power on and start like always but now it show a message with the deploy "Deployment Failed Due To configuration Error". ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-28-2018 07:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-22-2020 02:27 PM
Posts 37
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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