Dinesh Akkera
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Member since ‎12-30-2018

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Hi AllWe got a requirement, in which the customer should be able to schedule the call back of an outbound call.Currently, the scheduling of call back can be done by the agent as a system feature but we want the customer to schedule his call back. We ...
Say, if my skill group is "Sales_Eng" and I want to add it dynamically.I will save this "Sales_" to call.SG call variable and "Eng"/"Fre" in call.Lang variable.I concatenate "SkillGroup.", call.SG, Call.Lang and ".LoggedOn" to store it in some variab...
Hi, I want to redirect the call to a Secondary phone when the Primary phone is Busy.I have tried with the Busy leg of Call Redirect step in CCX Editor but it did not work. The call is waiting until the Primary phone is available. (I could see the cal...
What are the units of Expected Wait Time in Cisco Unified Contact Center Express?The Help documentation has no units mentioned for Expected Wait Time where as the Current Wait Duration has seconds mentioned as units.Since the Expected Wait Time is a ...
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Member Since ‎12-30-2018 09:34 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2023 12:43 AM
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