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Member since ‎05-30-2010

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Hi,I am really confused. The Key Server is configured to rekey every 12 hours (43200 Seconds). This is the part of configuraiton :crypto ipsec profile gdoi-profile-getvpn set security-association lifetime seconds 43200 set transform-set mygdoi-trans ...
hi,I am trying to apply GETVPN in an operational enterprise with over 150 branches. The only way to migrate a branch by branch without interrubting others, is through denying each branch in the local deny policy at the GM in the DC.The Local Deny ACL...
Hi,we want to deploy GET VPN and we have a big number of ATMs connected through VSAT connections to the headoffice. At time of congestion, bandwidth of the connection can degrdae to 2 Kbps for each router. (( believe it or not )) and this bandwidth i...
Hi,We are looking forward to install a Cisco 6513 with IDSM-2 in each chassis in a VSS mode. Does anyone have an experience with the configuration of the 6513 ?  Also, lets assume I installed one active IDSM in each chassis with identical configurati...
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Member Since ‎05-30-2010 02:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 8
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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