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Member since ‎04-03-2019

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Hi.Expieriencing some increasing timeouts on ip virtual-reassembly  GigabitEthernet0/0/2.202: Virtual Fragment Reassembly (VFR) is ENABLED [in] Concurrent reassemblies (max-reassemblies): 16 Fragments per reassembly (max-fragments): 32 Reassembly tim...
Hi everyone. I'm trying to troubleshoot very slick problem, that's why I am following any suspicious behavior (for me). We need to run traffic capturing and analyzing app, that has to be able to do deep packet inspection and able to replicate data fr...
Hi. Trying to make an aggregated port (two 1Gb links)asr1001x <-----> juniper ex4200Juniper side reports that there are no issues (no drops or errors). But cisco port-channel shows some crazy output. asr1.core#sh int port-channel 1 Port-channel1 is u...
Hi. Trying to make an aggregated port (two 1Gb links)asr1001x <-----> juniper ex4200Juniper side reports that there are no issues (no drops or errors). But cisco port-channel shows some crazy output. asr1.core#sh int port-channel 1 Port-channel1 is u...
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Member Since ‎04-03-2019 10:39 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-19-2020 04:12 PM
Posts 7