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Member since ‎04-22-2019

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This will sound stupid and I'm probably missing something obvious. I'm mapping a very old segment for my company for moving the segment to a new location.Using a combination of MAC-add tables and arp tables, I have found all the connections...except ...
I have a ikev2 definition that looks like it is working. I have line/protocol up.I am on my router where my tunnel to google is. The tunnel is also there. I can ping google from there but I am unsure its going out the tunnel and not just the internet...
Any help would be appreciated.I can ping the other end of the tunnel but the line protocol on my side is down.Also, any debug hints would be helpful. Current configuration : 13779 bytes!! Last configuration change at 22:23:49 UTC Fri Feb 12 2021 by j...
I currently have two separate WAP networks which I would like to combine into 1. I have the above devices and I was wondering is it possible to combine them controlled by one controller. One network is controlled by the ap-1832's. The second network ...
New to this...I am adding a second ISE to backup my standalone unit. I need help on how to do this, especially licensing.Do I need more base and plus licenses? APEX licenses? VM licenses? Does the secondary system 'share the licenses kinda like an AS...
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Member Since ‎04-22-2019 11:29 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-09-2021 12:30 AM
Posts 61
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