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Member since ‎05-02-2019

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Hello,I have around 600 AIR-AP1815W-E-K9 devices.All of them got IP Telephone Grandstream connected to their Port 1 - POE. All phones are added to Remote Lan "IPTEL" group in VLAN 200.Works everything like it should. I can see number of connected pho...
Hello,I got WLC 5520 and around 1000 APs connected to it in local mode. VLAN 1021 - AP ManagementVLAN 100 - Guest Internet AccessVLAN 200 - Telephones On all switches I have added VLAN100, VLAN1021, and VLAN200.Ports where I got AP-s are access 1021....
Hello,Since we upgraded connections between our buildings we will use central WLC (5520) on our central location. There is around 1500APs on all locations which will be adopted to that WLC.My concern is that when I use local mode, I got my traffic do...
Hello,I believe that there could be some problem with my ventilators on one of mine WLC-s.One of them keeps spinning vents at 100% every once in a while?Around every 10 minutes it spins them for 5-10 seconds at 100%. It's not a reboot, WLC is working...
Hello, I have one WLC 5520 for testing in my work lab. Is there any tutorial or documentation which would help me achieve my goal? I have AP management networks10.11.0.0/24 - VLAN 1110.12.0.0/24 - VLAN 1210.13.0.0/24 - VLAN 1310.14.0.0/24 - VLAN 1410...
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Member Since ‎05-02-2019 09:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-24-2020 09:45 AM
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