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Member since ‎09-14-2006

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Good afternoon fellow Cisco gods.  =]  I'm trying to configure RADIUS to work in my PacketTracer, and not able to seem to get it to work.  I can telnet to it, but keeps failing on me.  I just have the server (, a switch with nothing specia...
Hello all...  Here is my issue:I am trying to connect two WAP4410N Wireless-N Access Points to a WRVS4400N Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router.I have the following configured on the router:                B/G/N-Mixed                Channel 6          ...
I recently got a new 506, however... I am trying to reset it completely so that I can reconfigure it for this new location. However, I think that they had the speed changed, because when I connect via console cable, and normal settings, I just get ...
This is really weird, same username and same password when connecting to the concentrator via console cable, yet... When connecting to it via http/https and using the SAME username and password, its coming up saying that its a badlogin. =**[ Very ...
We have a 3560, that when you ping the network (switch being on the network), it can ping EVERYTHING on that subnet fine. Except for one IP address. Which is being routed a different way, then being caught in a loop between two ...
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Member Since ‎09-14-2006 07:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 17