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Member since ‎08-11-2010

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Hi,Can any one suggest what is the best practise to configure Trunk link on 6509 Cat OS. is it goo to keep trunk link on "Desirable" or should we keep it on "ON" state. Considering stability and security.Regards,Hardik
Hi All,I'm quite new in switch stack and switch cluster topic, but for my curiosity to know about it i read it for the first time and understood some basics, I might not have understood whole concept at a strech, but i want to know more about this tw...
Hi,Is there any specific reason for having all VLAN info only in VLAN.dat file?.Though we are configuring it manually then why can't we see it in Running-config?Regards,Hardik
Hi,I have one doubt in my mind, it may be not valid one but it is my curiosity to know. Below question is not releated to any actual network, it is the virtual one which created doubt in my mind.My doubt is,If i have one switch which is configured in...
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Member Since ‎08-11-2010 05:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-02-2021 12:20 AM
Posts 27
Total Helpful Votes Received 11
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