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Level 1
Member since ‎03-06-2003

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  • 27 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 9 Helpful votes Given
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I have config on ASA 9.1.3 with User Authentication via RADIUS ACS 5.5. On one ASA interface i have 5 permits inboundpermit ip dest Apermit ip dest Bpermit ip dest Cpermit ip dest Dpermit ip dest E On the ACS i have two downloadable ACEs for a user :...
Is there any possibility to allow asymetric routing for non-balanced flows.We face a situation in which a server in a LB serverfarm tries to connect another serverin a different segment. The ACE is gateway for this segment but has an own interface in...
The following scenario is given :        P1-----------------                                     --------------------P1         |                   |                                    |                     |         |  Switch 1    |-----------------...
I have the following lab setup :   R0 ------------------------- R1    |                              |    |        Area 0             |    |                              |   R2-------------------------- R3All Routers run OSPF in area 0.R0 Loop0 : 1.1...
I configured a VSS system, VSL is running and i connot see any problem. Only issue i cannot explain is that console of standby system is not inactive.I would expect that it says :Standby console disabled.I have seen this before on other VSS systems. ...
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Member Since ‎03-06-2003 05:03 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-31-2023 12:14 AM
Posts 27
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