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Member since ‎09-21-2009

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Issue, my provider will only allow calls out that are within our DiD range. Users would like calls that are forwarded to have the callerID of the calling party when they recieve the forwarded call.System Infomation: CCM, MGCP, PRII have ...
Has anyone used an NM-16A/S serial connection to a WLC 4400?I have my termial 'router' working with the rest of my Cicso gear and I would like to use it for my Wireless LAN Controller 4400. I tried to use the DB9 terminal connector that Cisco sends o...
I just converted to Unity 7 UC and I have one user that does not want to recieve their voicemail via email .wav file. Is there a way to stop the .wav file email to just this one user?Thankyou for your helpTom
I just converted to Unity 7 UC and some users are complaining that the volume on the .wav files is too low even when they have the volume turned up all the way. I saw other posts from unity 3, etc.. that wanted you to adjuct the gain levels on the vo...
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Member Since ‎09-21-2009 08:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 8