Member since ‎01-01-2020

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  • 35 Helpful votes Received
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Hi All! I wanted to swing this question past the wider audience. I recently came across an ISE deployment (v2.6) whereby the certificate used for EAP authentication is valid however the top two certificates in the certificates chain are expired. Clie...
Recently I've come across a strange scenario whereby my downstream router that I'm peering with using eBGP is returning UPDATE messages back whenever I originate an UPDATE message myself. Topology:R1 - - When I enable debugs o...
I'm having some issues trying to make a successful call to the below URL. I'm wanting to include the ipAddress parameter but each time I seem to get it wrong :S I'm using Cisco Prime Infrastructure with v4 API and the API documentation isn't super cl...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-01-2020 09:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-01-2021 12:28 AM
Posts 50
Total Helpful Votes Received 35
Community Spotlight Award
English Community Rookie, April 2020