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Member since ‎01-10-2008

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Hello,I am trying to edit SIP headers on an outbound call with a VXML script using transfer object:<transfer name="mycall"  destexpr="'sip:628@;Mare&quot;'" bridge="true"     connecttimeout="15s" cisco-longpound ="true">The VXML s...
Hi,we have a voice GW connected via SIP trunk to an endpoint which can either use g711ulaw or g711alaw codec andi am trying to predict the behaviour of codec selection in the following scenario.The call scenario is such:- a call comes in to GW as g71...
Hi,we are experiencing call drops, but only from particular numbers (provider). This happens intermittently and only on incoming calls from outside over a SIP trunk.When collecting traffic we can see that Cisco 2811 is sending "200 OK SDP" events tow...
Hi,i am trying to configure store and forward fax, but the problem is that the email is not sent. "Debug mta send all" and "Debug mmoip send email test@" do not show any output.Best regards,Marko
Hi,i have set up MTP resources on IOS router to be used with Call Manager for alaw to ulaw conversion. I configured three MTPs on the gateway, one for alaw, one for ulaw and one for clear and added all three of them to media resource list on Call Man...
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Member Since ‎01-10-2008 12:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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