This feels like a really dumb question but I have RTFM and still am stuck.. This is my first UC setup, although I do a lot of IP networking...
We have a UC540W with 2 x BRI so up to 4 PSTN calls.
I want the inbound calls to go to extension 100 which should appear on a line key on all phones so any user can & should pick up incoming calls.
Phones are SPA500 Series (504 and 508)
I am working in CCA.
If I set it up with Line 100 as a shared number on all phones then only 2 calls can be presented and the 2nd call is only presented to the phone with the first call on it, the line key just shows as in use (red) on all other extensions.
The phones are not octal line compatible otherwise this would seem to be the answer to the problem.
I tried setting up (Via CLI) multiple ephone-dn with the same extension number and these appeared in the list for setting an overlay button, but CCA then overwrote these which makes it an unsuitable solution.
The other option would seem to be to set up a multiple extensions (101-104) and put these into a hunt group and under an overlay button, but as these numbers won't be assigned to an extension so can't see how to create these within CCA - if I put them in as floating extension then they appear in the list for an overlay button but not in the available list for setting up a hunt group....
This doesn't seem like such an unusual setup that it should be so difficult...