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Feature Request: Website Management Portal

Level 1
Level 1

There are a few issues with the web interface for the uc300w that I wanted to ask about and possbily get a resolution.

1) When logging in, if you press tab between the username and password, it goes to the address bar and you have to click on the password field.  When I log into a ESW switch it works correctly, so this must be an issue with the interface.

2) When you make changes to anything in the system, like a mis-spelled name, the entire system and all phones reboot.

3) After the system makes changes, you are retured back to the browser with a message that the browser is now out of sync with the system.  If you make any changes past this point they are lost.  You need to reload the browser and relogin to the sytem to make more changes.  It might work well if we could save our username and password somehow so that when the browser reloads, we would not need to relogin.  Or just fix the system so that you do not have to log in again at all.

Great system so far, just a few kinks to work out.

Scott Huotari

Creative Computer Solutions, Inc.

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for the feedback Scott!

Re 1) Tabbing and do not work quite as expected on the login page.

This is known problem, but not as straightforward to repair as one might expect.  This GUI is developed in Flex/Flash, but on this particular screen there is an issue between the Flash player and the IE browser (perhaps other browsers as well.. are you using IE?) that prevents us from easily solving this issue.  Which means we will fix it, but it's priority is lowered because it is more annoyance than blocking.

Re 2) Entire system reboots for any change.

This is, of course, known.  Unfortunately this is very expensive to correct.   It will require a re-design of several sections of the software.  Knowing the cost of developing an incremental editor, we choose not to do so for the initial release.  The roadmap from here includes incremental improvements for specific changes, and a broad scale re-architecture as a major feature of a future release

Re 3) Re: loss of sync with the browser

Hmmm.. you are not seeing our standard behavior.  For most situations, I can make multiple changes without any such loss of sync. I encourage you to work with support to file a case for this situation.  My assumption is it is related to how you are connected to the UC320 and to what (network?) configuration you are changing.


Eric W.

Manager GUI Development