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Outbound Call with 9 and Caller ID Problems


We have recently purchased UC320w with 4 SPA525G phones.

We are connected to outside with one BT telephone line which I have connected to FXO1 socket at the back of UC320w. 

I have two Problems :

1)  Originally when we wanted to call any external phone lines with a normal phone, we BT asked us to add number 9 at the beginning of every telephone number.  It is part of their Feature Line subscription.  However it is creating confusion with the UC system.  Now when I want to make an external phone call from SPA phone naturally I do need to dial 9 and after that I can call any external call like a mobile phone.  However because BT need another 9 before every number system get confused and think it is local number and does not allow me to dial more than 7 digit number. In case of mobile phone 7 digit is not enough.  Is there anyway which I can force UC320W to dial 9 before every external number without me dialling 9 or any other work around please?.  It is important because we cannot place any external call at the moment.

2) I have problem with Caller ID.  When I change something in the UC320W system and apply the changes, it make the phones resync ,which is fine.  Now if I get an inbound external call right after the UC restart and Phones Resync, I can see the Caller's number.  However after that for any other inbound external phone calls system does not show the Caller's ID but phone just a the "fxo1" as the Caller's ID.  I do not understand why I do get the caller's ID after restart for the first call but not the calls after.  How can I resolve this issue?

I do appreciate your help. Please let me know if I need to explain the issue in more detail.

Kind Regards


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