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SPA302D/SPA232 - Call Completed Elsewhere

Marc Jaschke
Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,

up to me the above combination is currently not supporting the "Call Completed Elsewhere" stuff specificed in RFC3326.


Am i missing some configuration here or am i correct with my assumption?


If the latter is the case, are there any plans to support this?

6 Replies 6

Dan Lukes
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

RFC3326 claim that implementation is free to ignore Reason values that it does not understand. Even more, it claim that client and servers are free to ignore the Reason header field at all.

Well, we can say that SPA302D is fully RFC3326 compliant device.

In advance, RFC3326 doesn't specify the phone behavior even when header is received and understood. So you can't expect any particular behavior even on RFC3326 fully compliant devices.

In short, RFC3326 say nothing related to phone behavior.

So your's reference to RFC3326 give us no idea what behavior you are wishing for ...

Hi Dan,

sorry for not beeing specific enough. Of course RFC3326 allows to ignore all kind of flags.

My SPA302D is part of a call group, if I pick up a call on a different phone. The device shows a missed call. It would be nice to have a function to either completely disable the display of missed calls (for me it doesn't matter if it is recorded in it's internal database) or have it ignored by the example given in the RFC 3326 under to 3.1.

Unfortunatelly, SPA232/SPA302D is bundle of two devices. The feature you are asking for is avaiable for SPA232. If the line is declared as shared AND call is CANCELed with

Reason: SIP;cause=200;text="Call completed elsewhere"

then no missed call is logged. We are using such feature, but on ATA it's not meaningfull.

I assume you are interested the call will not be logged on SPA302D, not SPA232. But SPA302D is not SIP phone. It's DECT handset connected to SIP<->DECT ATA (SPA232D).

DECT is based on SS7 protocol, not the SIP protocol.

As far as I know, there is no concept of "RELeased because answered elsewhere" in SS7. So unless Cisco use a proprietary "Cause value" for it the information will not reach the SPA302D handset.

I don't know if Cisco is transmitting such information to DECT headset or not. Just try it.

DECT is SS7 based? That's completely new to me.

I dont have the specification for DECT around, but i can't come up with a reason why they should not specify something like that.

For the first part of your answer. Maybe I got blind, but I'm unable to find such option on my SPA232D.

I found it when I analyzed why I can't dial '#' as last 'digit' of called number from DECT handset. Example in #21# supplemental service code.

But back to the core of problem. As I told, I'm out of my test lab, so I have no access to my SPA232/302D. I described how it works on SPA504G as we have it here and we use such feature on it. The SPA5xx and SPA232 behavior is very simmilar, so if such feature is implemented at all, then it is implemented the same way. 

On the other side SPA232 is the same ATA as SPA122, just DECT interface added. There is no way to signal "answered elsewhere" on POTS lines, so the feature in question may not be implemented at all because it's not possible to relay the information to connected phone. It apply to DECT as well, unless extended by a proprietary cause code.

In my humble opinion, there is a little chance the feature you asked about is implemented. But you can hope, of course. Just try it.

By the way, You are true, there is no type=private/shared option on SPA232 so forged about such option. and try without it.

I have no better advice for you now.

Thanks for your input.

Up to me, it shouldn't be that hard to give an option on the SPA302D do disable the display here, which should be sufficient for me. Furthermore i guess i'll not be the only one missing that option