I'm trying to configure a ACE 4710 to respond to clients request via HTTPS.
So if a clients HTTP to a webpage he should received a response via HTTPS.
Tried http rewrite and redirect with cisco and it did not work. We are currently running A3(2.6) IOS.
Is there a way to deny http requests ?
serverfarm host SF_1
rserver RS_Gilat_LN 8090
policy-map type loadbalance first-match VirtualServer_1
class class-default
serverfarm SF_1
policy-map multi-match DPService_Out
class CM_SSL
loadbalance vip inservice
loadbalance policy VirtualServer_1
loadbalance vip icmp-reply active
nat dynamic 500 vlan 664
ssl-proxy server Gilat_SSL_TERMINATION
class CM
loadbalance vip inservice
loadbalance policy VirtualServer_1
loadbalance vip icmp-reply active
nat dynamic 500 vlan 664
Many Thanks