very strange Problem:
we have 2 ASA's 5510 8.4(3), Auth is CERT+AAA, CERT is on a E-Token, AAA is Radius (ACS 5.3) and worked already, one ASA for test, one ASA prod.
Now if I connect with a Notebook (Win7_64bit), the Client (anyconnect-win-3.0.08057-k9.pkg, tried also anyconnect-win-3.0.07059-k9.pkg) installs and connects -> fine.
but if I disconnect and connect again, there couldnt't be found a valid Cert on the Client.
Now I switch from test to prod and connection works! Disconnect and reconnect same machine: no valid Cert. switch to test: it works
and so on, 2 times connecting the same machine doesn't work, switching from one to the other works.
tried this on another Notebook -> same Problem.
Could the reason be any Windows-Update?