I installed the anyconnect secure mobility client 3.1.05152 version on a couple o windows 8.1 workstations
on my home network.
There are no restrictions from my firewall towards the outside world.
When i try to connect for the first time i get the certificate message and the login prompt.
After successfully entering the login details the clients connects and i get a message saying that
the vpn clients is getting updated. After that nothing. If finally disconnects and when i try to re-establish
a connection i get the following message:
"The service provider in your current location is restricting access to the internet blah blah blah..."
That is not the case though. Osx vpn client from the same location connects successfully
I have tried removing rebooting, reinstalling the product always with admin rights. every single time the clients connects
the first time and ends up with the same issue.
Anyone knows what is going on?