Has anyone experienced this issue. I upgraded the ASA software to 9.3(3) (Due to Poodle vulnerabilities) and now I am unable to access the ASA via https (ASDM and clientless SSL). Am I missing something?
ssl server-version tlsv1
ssl client-version tlsv1
ssl cipher default custom "RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:3DES-SHA"
ssl cipher sslv3 custom "RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:3DES-SHA"
ssl cipher tlsv1 custom "RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:3DES-SHA"
ssl cipher tlsv1.1 medium
ssl cipher tlsv1.2 medium
ssl cipher dtlsv1 custom "RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:3DES-SHA"
ssl dh-group group2
ssl trust-point ASDM_TrustPoint16 outside
ssl certificate-authentication fca-timeout 2
ssl certificate-authentication interface outside port 330
tunnel-group SoftwareVPN type remote-access
tunnel-group SoftwareVPN general-attributes
address-pool VPN-Client
no ipv6-address-pool
authentication-server-group ADA_AAA
secondary-authentication-server-group none
no accounting-server-group
default-group-policy SoftwareVPN
no dhcp-server
no strip-realm
no nat-assigned-to-public-ip
no scep-enrollment enable
no password-management
no override-account-disable
no strip-group
no authorization-required
username-from-certificate CN OU
secondary-username-from-certificate CN OU
authentication-attr-from-server primary
authenticated-session-username primary
tunnel-group SoftwareVPN webvpn-attributes
customization DfltCustomization
authentication aaa
no override-svc-download
no radius-reject-message
no proxy-auth sdi
no pre-fill-username ssl-client
no pre-fill-username clientless
no secondary-pre-fill-username ssl-client
no secondary-pre-fill-username clientless
group-alias Anyconnect enable
dns-group DefaultDNS
no without-csd
tunnel-group SoftwareVPN ipsec-attributes
ikev1 pre-shared-key *****
peer-id-validate req
no chain
no ikev1 trust-point
no ikev1 radius-sdi-xauth
isakmp keepalive threshold 300 retry 2
ikev1 user-authentication xauth
no ikev2 remote-authentication
no ikev2 local-authentication
tunnel-group SoftwareVPN ppp-attributes
no authentication pap
authentication chap
authentication ms-chap-v1
no authentication ms-chap-v2
no authentication eap-proxy