Hello Ernesto,
Take a look at ASDM
Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > Dynamic Access Policies
Creat a new or edit a DAP policy and expand the 'Advanced' section
Source: ASDM Online Help and
OU-Based Match Example
DAP can use many attributes returned from an LDAP server in a logical expression. See the DAP trace section for example output of this, or run a debug dap trace.
The LDAP server returns the user Distinguished Name (DN). This implicitly identifies where in the directory the user object is located. For example, if the user DN is CN=Example User,OU=Admins,dc=cisco,dc=com this user is located in OU=Admins,dc=cisco,dc=com. If all administrators are in this OU (or any container below this level) you can use a logical expression to match on this criteria as follows:
if ( (type(aaa.ldap.distinguishedName) == "string") and
(string.find(aaa.ldap.distinguishedName, "OU=Admins,dc=cisco,dc=com$") ~= nil) )
return true
return false
Best regards,