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I am trying to connect to Corporate network through VPN(4.6 / 4.8). It ends up in DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error.


Dell Inspiron E1505.

XP Home SP-2.

VPN 4.6


I was able to connect to VPN for past eight months. I have been working in the network with out any problems. Last month I had some problems in my laptop and ended up in formatting it. I have used the default OS installation CD shipped along with the laptop. But after the re-installation, the system started failing. I have never been able to connect after that.

This problem is not only with me, one of my colleague is also having this problem.


A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer.


If this is the first time you have seen this stop error restart the computer and...

Technical Information:

*** STOP: 0x000000D1 ( 0x44454400, 0x00000002,0x00000001, 0xf6e26385)

*** dne2000.sys - address F6E26385 base at F6E12000, Datestamp 3f209c34

Beginning dump of physical memory

Physical memory dump complete.


Analysis done:

Searched in the web and cisco site. Most of the hits are in release notes. Most of them claim that the issue got fixed with 4.6 version of VPN client. But I am using 4.8 version.

Can some one pleassseeeee help me out?

Thanks, Raja

3 Replies 3

Level 5
Level 5

Probably, the problem is due to physical memory(RAM) of your laptop. Replace with other working RAM and see.

Somehow I'm doubting that RAM is the issue. I have had this problem on multiple machine, multiple vendors (Dell, IBM, etc.) with plenty of RAM and no problems with any other software...

While that sounds very nice, it's not incredibly plausible. Downgrading the VPN client has been the only stable solution to this point.


Thanks very much for responding to this.

I have kind of figured out the root cause. I have been using a tool to connect to Internet. This tool seems to lock the dne system (Not sure what happens behind the scenes). So when I connect to VPN then, the system crashes.

I couldn't notice this before because usually I connect to Internet and then to corporate network. Hence I could notice this in the past.

When I un-instaled the tool and used just the VPN, the system works just fine. I think the problem is because if the combination of my Internet service provider's tool, DNE and VPN does not go together.

I am fine with using this workaround, so I left digging further. The point still I am surprised is; the same combinations were working before I actually crashed my system in the past.

The tool I was using is Cyberoam24onlineClient

Thanks, Raja