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Need help with figuring out what I have?

Level 1
Level 1

My father recently passed away and I found a large sealed envelope from CISCO in some of his belongings.

I open it up and there is a welcome letter and two disks that are sealed.


Congratulations on purchasing Cisco IOS WebVPN. This Cisco IOS software feature set provides integrated SSL VPN functionality for Cisco IOS routers.

It is for a 25 concurrent users

Two different disk are in the package

1. Cisco End User License and Warranty Cisco Information Packet

2. Cisco Router and Security Device Manager

So can anyone tell me what exactly this is?

Is it still good to use or sell?

Any helpful insight would greatly be appreciated!

Thank you in advance,


2 Replies 2

Nicholas Carrieri
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This is a user license package for a Router running IOS SSLVPN which is still good today.  I would contact Cisco licensing ( to find out what you can do about this.

Marvin Rhoads
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

It's a feature license that has to run on a Cisco router. Most companies don't use a router for their VPNs but instead use a Cisco ASA firewall.

That said, the list price on that particular product is $750 but is is normally discounted 30-50% so has a fair market value of less than $500 and is of little to no use without a router to put it on. It may not even be legally transferable from the original purchaser (who likely bought it with a router they had in their company).