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New to VPN-need help

Level 1
Level 1

My business is small, I currently have a T1 leased line coming into office which goes through a T1 integrator(VinaBox) then divided into phone lines (DID)'s & 384K for Internet bandwidth.I use WinNT 4.0 with MSProxy. I want to set-up a VPN for 5 users only, without any LAN to LAN, WAN ect.. connections.I want to connect the 5 users through the internet from their homes, they all have internet connections per ISP's. I would like advice on the most economical way to connect these users. There will be 1-2 users on at one time. Can I use a VPN Router(1) and software to connect? Please help me as I little knowledge of VPN's

1 Reply 1

Level 5
Level 5

Any Cisco router can terminate VPN tunnels with the software client installed on the remote PC. Just make sure you get the correct IOS feature pack for the router. If you don’t have a firewall, you might rather invest in say a PIX 506 firewall to terminate your VPN’s with the client software and provide firewall protection for your network as well. Keep in mind cheapest vs. scalability too. What’s cheapest today may end up costing more if your needs grow down the road.