We have a network with two sites each with a w2k domain (one a child domain of the other) to they are trusting and have dynamic copies of each others DNS/WINS, this has been working fine with an ISDN connection with both networks browsable to each other. We are now installing ADSL links a dedicated one to the remote site and one for internet browsing and remote access.We have a perimeter router were the ADSL terminates and a PIX in between the router and the local network. AS the router supports 3DES and the PIX (restricted) doesn't i was going to put the VPN tunnel between the two sites terminating on the router taking advantage of the 3des encryption. However i have a problem, the pix uses nat , so i can't route to the local network i have to route to the pix global ip range, the dns/wins info at the remote end has the local ip range for the p.c's/servers so it trys to send info to the local ip range and fails. Is there any way round this (it seems a waste not to use the router as it has a vpn accelerater card as well) , or will i have to set up DES vpn links terminating on the PIX from the remote site and remote users.