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Site to Site VPN and Windows 2000 Domain issue's

Level 1
Level 1

I have a site to site VPN between a pix 501 and a 1760 rtr. I have a odd situtuation tha I have encounterd and I am looking for input. The VPN tunnel comes up successfully on both sides. I can ping across the tunel successfully. I can also issue the command :

telnet 25 with success.

Unfortuantley when I attempt to map a drive or attach to the 2000 domain I recieve one of three senarios. It will time out, it will prompt me for a password which I enter but it does not accept it or the remote system times out.

The access-list on both sides of the tunnel permit all IP and UDP traffic. The romote 1760 has the FW feature set, I have disabled this, still no luck. Any idea's would be greatly appreciated.

4 Replies 4

Patrick Iseli
Level 7
Level 7

Browsing will not work because it uses Broadcasts.

A "net use" should work and also a find computer if you have a Wins server configured or you have an lmhosts file defined.

See link bellow:

Configuring PIX to Allow Remote Access to Shared Folders on an NT Domain, The issue in a IOS Firewall is basicly the same.

Net use should be like that:

net use s: \\\myshare /USER:Domain\username

hope it helps


Level 6
Level 6

What is each side using for DNS servers? Are their domain controllers, WINS servers and DNS servers in each physical site?

The remote isight is using a split tunnel set-up. The Remote site is useing the centeral site's DNS server and WINS server. I have tested this by peformoinga a NS lookup, and the remote site successfully uses the centeral sites servers for name resolution. All of the servers, domain controllers ect are physically located in the same building and the same IP subnet: /24

Start debugging using the PIX "capture command". check if their is a respone from the Server if there are droped packets and hitcounts in the access-list on the PIX and on the Router. Put a network analyzer on the Router side.

Check the routing tables on the Servers and try if when you add manually a route on the domain controller with the remote Network, if that helps.

Tranceroute and ping the remote servers and workstation. Of course open the icmp (ping and tracroute) on the PIX and Router access-list.

