I have three (3) locations running PIX-506E firewalls that all connect via site-to-site VPN to a single ASA5540. Let's call those locations A, B and C. The ASA5540 site will be Z. Someone indicated to me that in this kind of setup, the VPN does not like to send traffic back out the same interface it came in on. The problem I am having is pinging between A and B, or A and C, or B and C, etc. Is there a workaround other than establishing separate site-to-site VPN connections between all of the different firewalls. Since A, B and C are all configure with DHCP setroute, the possibility exists that due to any number of possible provider issues the IP address could change. Again, just wondering if there is a configuration that allows traffic to pass between A, B and C through Z. Thank You.