EDIT: nvm it seems my thread is back. This thread can be deleted, thanks :)
Can anyone explain why my post is gone? I'm very sad right now. I wrote an extensive post about my setup and the problems I'm facing and I put alot of time in it but it's just gone without any message
It wasn't even your typical "hey here's my problem, fix it"-thread. I provided debug commands, a network diagram, #show run as attachment and the post was decently formatted with a clear description of my setup and problem. I xxxx'd out all sensitive information and for the WAN adresses I used fictional adresses like and
I so sad right now :( Can I repost or will my post be deleted again? I recieved no private message so I don't have a clue about what's going on. The thread was located here: https://supportforums.cisco.com/t5/vpn/cisco-asa-site-to-site-tunnel-up-but-traffic-not-reaching-other/td-p/3223229